You and Your Work
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You and Your Work
- Publication date
- 1948
- Usage
- Public Domain
- Topics
- career counseling
- Publisher
- Coronet
- Item Size
- 628.1M
Young Frank Taylor loathes working at a shoe store, but discovers that he is doomed to hate any job unless he changes his attitude. After a motivational lecture by his high school guidance counselor, Frank looks forward to working the rest of his life selling shoes.
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- This film comes from the A/V Geeks archive. For more information regarding this film and the archive, visit <a href=""></a>
- Addeddate
- 2004-09-05 20:37:33
- Color
- color
- Identifier
- you_and_your_work
- Sound
- sound
- Type
- MovingImage
- Year
- 1948
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August 2, 2016 (edited)
Subject: Funny Timeline Here
Subject: Funny Timeline Here
The kid was born in 1931, the film is made in 1948, and he claims this was 5 years ago? So the kid was twelve when he walked into that shoe store? Hmmm.
Of course in that final scene, where he's all gushy and happy about work - this time it's a male customer. Why of course! The meltdown happened with some dame trying to shove her pudgy size 9C foot into a 6 1/2 AA.
Ah, the shoe business. Oddly enough, my older brother worked at Mary Jane Shoes starting in the eleventh grade, about 8 years after this film was made. Obviously they never showed him this film in school.
Of course in that final scene, where he's all gushy and happy about work - this time it's a male customer. Why of course! The meltdown happened with some dame trying to shove her pudgy size 9C foot into a 6 1/2 AA.
Ah, the shoe business. Oddly enough, my older brother worked at Mary Jane Shoes starting in the eleventh grade, about 8 years after this film was made. Obviously they never showed him this film in school.
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February 5, 2011
Subject: Wow...I can see clearly now
Subject: Wow...I can see clearly now
I am so happy for him that he finally conformed and became a zombified working plebe like the rest of us. Wasn't this part of the trailer for 1984?
Real Kold War Kid
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October 18, 2007
Subject: "Frank, Shoe Salesman or Just Kill Me Now, God"
Subject: "Frank, Shoe Salesman or Just Kill Me Now, God"
Wow, Frank, manager of a shoe store! The only place for you that would be just as exciting is as a rent-a-cop on a construction site in the dead of winter on a holiday weekend; I know. I've had more jobs like that than exciting ones.
Sorry, counselor, but attitude is also sustained by the work you do as well. I just finished a temporary job that ended after 14 months. I wanted the job, I got the job, and I loved the job. Everyday was interesting and a couple of times, exciting. Conversely, I've had jobs that initially looked good, then I became aware that I had made a really poor choice.
Sadly, Frank will never realize this until his retirement.
Sorry, counselor, but attitude is also sustained by the work you do as well. I just finished a temporary job that ended after 14 months. I wanted the job, I got the job, and I loved the job. Everyday was interesting and a couple of times, exciting. Conversely, I've had jobs that initially looked good, then I became aware that I had made a really poor choice.
Sadly, Frank will never realize this until his retirement.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 14, 2007
Subject: "Saleman of the year" or "I'll take size 9 extra wide"
Subject: "Saleman of the year" or "I'll take size 9 extra wide"
Wow, a career in the shoe industry, what an opportunity! What the guidance counselor did not say to Frank Taylor:
Actually, this loser will grow up to be like Al Bundy of "Married with Children" fame. Smelling dirty feet and rude customers with out of control brats. Careful Frank "The customers alway right" dont say anything. Verbal abuse from snot-nose stock boys and druggie airhead cashiers (watch the till Frank). Careful Frank "remember the shoe convention" dont say anything. Working week-ends and holidays. And the pay?? why you'll be lower than lower class. Sounds tempting. I rather shoot myself quickly Frank and spare the state the expense.
Actually, this loser will grow up to be like Al Bundy of "Married with Children" fame. Smelling dirty feet and rude customers with out of control brats. Careful Frank "The customers alway right" dont say anything. Verbal abuse from snot-nose stock boys and druggie airhead cashiers (watch the till Frank). Careful Frank "remember the shoe convention" dont say anything. Working week-ends and holidays. And the pay?? why you'll be lower than lower class. Sounds tempting. I rather shoot myself quickly Frank and spare the state the expense.
big texas cheeseburger
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December 2, 2006
Subject: Frankly
Subject: Frankly
A tribute to the anti-slacker mentality of decades past. Frank looks and sounds like a young Conan O'Brien, but can't be due to the age of the film. Maybe it's his Dad.
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January 7, 2006
Subject: Foot Fetish alert!
Subject: Foot Fetish alert!
Classic coronet yarn which features Frank Taylor, frustrated shoe clerk. Frank understandibly hates his job, and he goes to his school couselor to get a new one. The counsellour reccomends.. a shoe clerk job. You see Frank, you didn't REALLY understand the job, and why people work! So this hard-sell of shoe-clerk employment really is rather strange, The actor playing Frank is just a little bit weird as well, making this Coronet film totally fun to watch.
Christine Hennig
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October 7, 2004
Subject: You Better Learn to Like Selling Shoes, Buddy
Subject: You Better Learn to Like Selling Shoes, Buddy
Frank gets a part-time job at a shoe store, but it turns out to be dull and boring. He slacks off because of this, and gets fired. He figures the school guidance counselor can get him another job. Instead, the counselor gives him an attitude adjustment and sends him back to the shoe store. Five years later, Frank is manager of the store. The basic message here is: you better find something to like about your job, or you might find yourself without one. Which is not a bad message, actually, since most people won't get to opt out of working for a living.
Ratings: Camp/Humor Value: ***. Weirdness: **. Historical Interest: ***. Overall Rating: ***.
Ratings: Camp/Humor Value: ***. Weirdness: **. Historical Interest: ***. Overall Rating: ***.
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